Central Progeny Test
NZM initiated the fine-wool central progeny test (CPT) in 2013 as part of the NZSTX project. The CPT allows breeders to benchmark fine-wool sheep genetics against other New Zealand and Australian studs using estimated breeding values (EBVs).
Each year, new fine-wool sires are mated across a group of Merino ewes and the performance of each sire's progeny is assessed in a common environment for a wide range of production and management traits.
What is unique about this CPT is its contribution to research into the genetics of footrot. Data collection on the progeny at the CPT advances the database used to generate a breeding value for footrot resistance. It also helps to establish the genetic correlations between footrot resistance and other production traits. More information about the footrot breeding value project and the contribution of the CPT can be found here.
Performance data collected at the CPT is submitted to the MERINOSELECT database, managed by Sheep Genetics in Australia, and used to generate EBVs for each ram. To access current EBVs for CPT sires you can search the sires' IDs in MERINOSELECT or access sire lists via the links below. The 2021 CPT sire list will be available to view on MERINOSELECT shortly too, in the interim, the sire list can be viewed in the updates below.